1 Unique Physical Capabilities
Through our refining affiliates in Switzerland and in India, MKS PAMP has unsurpassed access to the world’s leading bullion brands. The refineries manufacture an extensive range of minted and bullion products. Both plants are LBMA Good Delivery for gold and silver bars. Their products are therefore deliverable on all major market centers and bullion exchanges.
MKS PAMP' network of sales offices consolidates our position as prime market participant in the trading, supply and purchase of physical precious metals. Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) complete the suite of physical product offering. MKS PAMP is LPPM accredited and the manufactured bars are deliverable against all major contracts.
We maintain physical stock globally and, working with the industry leading logistics providers, can make bullion available at short notice anywhere around the world. Our market coverage, in Geneva and Sydney, ensures competitive price making in physical metal on a continuous basis.